Elul Fundraiser

Dear Friends,      

 As we are now in the month of  Elul approaching the High Holidays, we invite you to join in a community wide effort to strengthen one of our most precious and vital community resources – our Mikvah Ohel Leah
A Mikvah plays a unique role in the community. It unites us as one kehillah – one large community – dedicated to maintaining and sanctifying the halachot of taharat hamishpacha, the laws of family purity. These laws have been the source of our spiritual strength for thousands of years, and in Cherry Hill we are proud to have achieved the goal of establishing a beautiful and convenient Mikvah which is at the core of this observance. By supporting our Mikvah each year we will, G-d willing, enable our community to continue to flourish and grow.
The cost of maintaining the Mikvah exceeds the amount received in user fees alone. Therefore, we are reaching out to the greater Jewish community for your generous contributions to support our Mikvah.   

Please consider one of the following contribution levels to show your support of Mikvah Ohel


$36  |  $72  |  $ 100  |  $180  |  $250  |  $360  |  $500  |  Other


To donate by check, please make your check payable to Mikvah Ohel Leah, and mail to: Mikvah Ohel Leah   720 Cooper Landing Road  Cherry Hill,  NJ 08002.
Please remember Mikvah Ohel Leah as you approach the New Year with the Mitzvah of giving Tzedakah.  Wishing you and your family good health and a sweet & joyous 5785.